The data in the example is from the book "Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials: Concepts and Methodologies" by Chow (full data set).
Here, the categorical data (x-axis) are five repeated measurements of diastolic blood pressure, denoted "DBP1", ..., "DBP5", where DBP1 is the baseline value. 40 subjects have been treated with either a hypertensive agent (A) or placebo (B). After averaging over treatment groups we end up with two groups we want to inspect.
> d <- aggregate(dat[, 3:7], by=list(TRT=dat$TRT), FUN=mean)
> d
1 A 116.55 113.5 110.70 106.25 101.35
2 B 116.75 115.2 114.05 112.45 111.95
1 A 116.55 113.5 110.70 106.25 101.35
2 B 116.75 115.2 114.05 112.45 111.95
How can now d be plotted to immediately make the difference between the treatments visible? Lattice can plot multiple data records (the A- and B-rows) against categorical data, but for that, the data has to be in long format. This can be generated using the melt function from the reshape2 package.
> m <- melt(d, id="TRT", measure.vars=colnames(d[, 2:ncol(d)]))
> m
TRT variable value
1 A DBP1 116.55
2 B DBP1 116.75
3 A DBP2 113.50
4 B DBP2 115.20
5 A DBP3 110.70
6 B DBP3 114.05
7 A DBP4 106.25
8 B DBP4 112.45
9 A DBP5 101.35
10 B DBP5 111.95
TRT variable value
1 A DBP1 116.55
2 B DBP1 116.75
3 A DBP2 113.50
4 B DBP2 115.20
5 A DBP3 110.70
6 B DBP3 114.05
7 A DBP4 106.25
8 B DBP4 112.45
9 A DBP5 101.35
10 B DBP5 111.95
The melted data.frame m can now be plotted.
> xyplot(m$value~m$variable, type="o", group=m$TRT, auto.key=list(T))
The resulting figure looks like this:
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