Here's how you can do it at the PyMOL prompt. You loaded the structure as "enz". The waters in "enz" all have the same id 500. So typing
select wat, enz/PROT/A/500/
should select your waters. "PROT" is some sort of segment and "A" is the chain of the structure, these depend and maybe need some adjustment in your system. Alternatively, try
select wat, enz///500/
Having selected the waters (if nothing else then manually), enter the following commands
cmd.protect('(not wat)')
cmd.sculpt_iterate('enz', cycles=5000)
The number of cycles can be adjusted. Also, it is possible to optimize locally only a side chain of one residue in the protein. Then you would enter
cmd.protect('(not enz///105/) or name C+CA+O+N+OXT')
[same commands like above]
Dont forget the trailing forward slash in the selection commands.